Diablo IV Boosting  Immortal doesn't cost anything to play. However, after a few hours, I was looking forward to it. I would've rather paying a single, fixed cost to play the game completely at my own pace rather than be repeatedly bombarded with (surprisingly costly) microtransactions in every single turn. Diablo Immortal is by no by any means as bad as the free-to-play games can get, but every single F2P mechanism is designed to harm the game, rather than improve it.

To begin, you don't need to spend any money for Diablo Immortal if you're not sure about it. You'll still have the chance to experience the full story and find lots of loot and engage in all the side events. For the first 20 or 30 levels You may not realize that you're missing a lot.

A few hours later, playing, the pace slows down considerably, and the F2P grind begins to kick in. (This happens at just about the time that you begin to feel genuinely invested in the game. Imagine that.) Different from regular Diablo titles, Diablo Immortal occasionally just stops the plot dead in its tracks, and will not allow you to play until you've crossed a certain threshold. That's not bad at all however, the game severely restricts how you can earn meaningful amounts of XP each day. After a couple of missions that are time-bound there are like "run identical dungeons over and over again" or "buy the Battle Pass."

(It is quite telling that the game strongly recommends purchasing Battle Pass.) Battle Pass as an efficient method of buy Diablo IV Boosting advancing your game.)